Tuesday, Oct 20 2020

Definition: the art of practicing what Abigail did to prevent harm from befalling her family
Text: 1 Sam 25:2-3, 4-33
1) Solving a problem begins with a DIAGNOSIS; a diagnosis solves majority of the problem; if you know what a problem is, you will KNOW how to fix it, how to address it. 
– It is NOT how MUCH you pray; if you don’t know what exactly you’re praying for, your prayer has no target.
1 Samuel 25:25

Abigail acknowledged she was married to a foolish man;

– If you are married to a foolish man, accept it like Abigail did hers.

2) STOP pretending the problem is not there

– Many of us pretend on the outside, and die on the inside.

– Praying without understanding will slow down your results.

– Pretending a problem is not there does not make it go away.

Isaiah 5:20

– Many women feel they are disgracing their husband if they speak up about their problems;

– Rather, find someone trustworthy you can talk to and get some help/advice.
– Don’t do SPIRITUAL GOSSIP; share someone’s confidential story with someone else, in the guise of “prayer request”.

3) ASK for help

– We are too PROUD to ask for help.

– Nobody is too big to ask for help.
– At some point in life, everybody will need help.

1Sam 25:24

Abigail humbled herself and sought help from David.
– When we give (help) with one hand, don’t let your other hand know what that hand gave.
– Some people don’t know how to ask for help  and some people don’t know how to RECEIVE help.

4) REALISE God is the one who gave you your husband, and your boss.

– It will help you realize that it is God who preserves the marriage, job, etc. He will keep you GOING.
– That’s WHY we should pay our tithe; it is acknowledging that it is God who has strengthened/enabled you to work and make the money you’re making. 
– Women of Virtue should have ROUGH/BLISTERED knees, NOT rough mouths- Instead of crying/complaining, prophesy over your husband as you: iron his clothes, fix the bed, cook his food, etc.
– Function from God’s point of view.

5) Speak wisely to your husband

1Samuel 25:36

– Know when to keep quiet, when to say less.
– A wise woman builds her house, a foolish one tears hers down.

6) GIVE soft answers

– Stop quarreling, and digging up past things.

– When you forgive, ask for grace to forget, if not your forgiveness is not complete.

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