The Birthing Month

The Birthing Month

Thursday, September 23, 2021
Exhortation: Pst Olawumi
Topic: Birthing Month

  • September is a special month; it’s the month of “birthing”.
  • It is the month during which you are filled and ready with something that’s been cooking inside.
  • Maybe you’ve been asking God to reveal that thing to you. Maybe you know, deep down in your spirit, that you have a calling in your life, but you can’t figure out what it is. AND you may feel tired of feeling tired of asking God to reveal these things to you.
  • I’m here to tell you not to give up. Keep praying. Your prayer is very important to God.
  • He sees you and I as a whole nation, a lineage.
  • Meaning God needs me and you to stand in the gap for a nation. To prepare the way for those coming behind us, or even that person in or outside our circle.
  • See, God has called us each to have dominion on Earth.
  • He didn’t say manage, but rather take dominion, and do whatever it takes to dominate the Earth.
  • This birthing month should be a do-or-die affair for you. Meaning you should take it serious.
  • It is important that you build your prayer life because you are a divine interceder for the next person.

Luke 1 talks about Jesus’ birth:

  • Elizabeth was barren; imagine the people who mocked her.
  • God called Elizabeth and her husband righteous, and yet they carried such a burden that didn’t exactly indicate their status of being blessed children of God.
  • Were they in pain? Mostly likely, but they never ceased to pray. Their relationship with God didn’t falter because of circumstances.
  • This wasn’t a stand-alone scene; Mary, on her end, was visited by an angel of God prophesying about Jesus’s birth.
  • Hannah, on her end, had been praying and interceding for a pregnancy(Jesus’s) that was yet to come.
  • When you look at how Jesus’s birth played out, there was absolutley no mistake in the unfolding of the events lined up.
  • Many of us carry callings in us, and many of us know what that calling is.
  • But do you know the purpose of what you carry in you?
  • Building a relationship with God is essential; when you’re comfortable with Him, you’ll be able to ask Him questions.
  • And remember also that the Holy Spirit is not some being we can’t relate as many of us imagine; He’s a person, there to help and reason with us.
  • John the Baptist’s purpose was to come and prepare the way for the Messiah; see how critical his role was?
  • Imagine for a moment that his parents – well advanced past the child-bearing age – refused the angel’s word to them about having a child, and John was never born?
  • Who would have prepared the way for Jesus?
  • So the same way John’s birth was connected to Jesus’s destiny, what you carry in you is also connected to someone else’s destiny, and so it’s very important that you find a way to discover what it is and activate it.
  • This ninth month is a very important month.
  • It is the birthing month. The month to birth that great thing you carry within you.
  • You might know what you carry in you, or you might have absolutely no clue.
  • Whatever the case, speak to God about it.
  • It’s not time to be worrying about how to birth that thing. Let God take care of everything. You need only lean on Him.

Isaiah 44:25

  • Today, I encourage you to talk to God, and ask Him to guide you to your purpose, and disarm the plans of the enemy against it.

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