Let Your Eyes Be Fixed on Jesus so that You Will not Grow Weary

Let Your Eyes Be Fixed on Jesus so that You Will not Grow Weary

Tuesday, Feb 2 2021
Exhortation: Rev. Ntsam Emelda Bih
Topic: Let Your Eyes be Fixed on Jesus so that You Will Not Grow Weary

Hebrews 12:1-4

The Races and the Christian Life have similarities:

  • Focus and endurance
  • Self denial
  • Both have a finish line and price to win
  • Apostle Paul used the metaphor of a race to describe the Christian faith.
  • The passage above encouraged the believers at the time to be steadfast.
  • The passage tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus because there distractions, difficulties

” remember that we’re in a race “


1) First, in order to run without giving up, we must acknowledge we are in a race;

  • We must then be willing and ready to run it.

2) We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses

  • Therefore, we must be aware of what we do or say, and act with integrity(doing what is right even if no one is watching)
  • Those cheering us are those who have run the race; they’re there to encourage us.

3) We must lay aside (strip off) every weight (and sin) that weighs us down! Hebrews 12:1

  • Many things can obstruct our paths.
  • There are some sins that have clung so close to us that we don’t event notice them anymore.

“Beware of the foxes that destroy the vine” Song of Solomon 2:15

  • It is not the big things that take us away from properly running the race; it’s the little sins(foxes).
  • Also, choose the right people to run with. Be careful who you associate yourself with.

“Association determines direction”

  • Some of the weights we carry are things that happen around us.

Jesus promises to give us rest so we can run the race.

  • We must run with perseverance
  • Perseverance indicates trouble.
  • When you focus on Jesus, the troubles of life no longer trouble us.
  • Fix your eyes on Jesus.
  • One of the things you must not do in the race is give up.
  • Jesus says at the right time, I will answer your prayer.
  • May God carry you to another level of faith in Jesus’ name!

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