Our Gifts

Our Gifts

Tuesday January 12, 2021
Exhortation: Sis. Bi Ndenecho

  • We should be intentional this year.
  • Examine yourself and see what God’s expecting of us today.
    Proverbs 18:16
  • What you’re designed to be known for is your gift(a natural ability)
  • Most of us don’t realize the loaded gift we’re sitting on.
  • The world does not only make room for you; it’ll pay you for it.
  • Sometimes, we don’t see our gift because of distractions.
  • Watch your child; from their early age, their gift is clear.
  • Your gift gives you joy; you don’t get tired doing it.
  • The world is a global village that has space for everyone and their gift, because we’re each unique.
  • Studying gives knowledge; God gives wisdom.
  • When you’re in the wrong place, God places people who make you uncomfortable to shake you up to move/leave that place.
  • Nomatter what people say your should do, do what God has made you to do, because that is what will create wealth for you!
  • When you’re pursuing your gift, don’t be discouraged when you’re either not seeing results, or are being mocked by people; remember, the likes of Einstein, Bell and other inventors didn’t succeed in their experiments on the first go, so like them we must persist in our gifts!

Esther 5:1

  • Esther presented herself properly, and didn’t even open her mouth before the King started blessing her.
  • Also, she got good counsel; are you getting good counsel in regards to your gift?

Father, like Esther may I find favour before you each time I come before you.
Do things with FINESSE. No “cut-am, nail-am“.

  • “A mango tree does not call people to come and harvest its fruit”
  • Father, help me to refine my gift like pure gold.
  • Our responsibility is to elevate one another in our pursuits; support our friends’ businesses, talents, etc.
  • Sisters, let us encourage each other; if you see a sister failing in any area(health, upkeep, dressing, etc), help her.

Fix eachother’s crowns

Your talent is the key to your success

  • Tonight let us ask God to reveal our gift to us. That it will make us a commodity; we will lend to nations; it will bring us before kings.


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