Prayer & Trusting God

Prayer & Trusting God

Tuesday, June 10, 2021
Exhortation: MOIWO tribe
Theme: Prayer & Trusting God


  • It’s easier to trust God when life is rosy; not so much when it’s going South.

Jeremiah 29:11

  • what is that thing that’s mocking God’s glory in your life? That thing that keeps you up at night? That thing that has become your identity?
  • There is a God who answers our prayers; remember, no answer is still an answer.
  • Only be still, and know that He is God, even in the midst of adversity; He’s unchangeable.
  • As humans, we have people we trust wholeheartedly; can you trust God as much?
  • Remember, man can fail you, but God NEVER will.
  • In your brokenness, be encouraged! Look up to the mountains:

Pslams 121:1-5

  • Pick up God’s word, and study it until it becomes life in you.
  • “Faith comes by hearing…”
  • I know it’s hard to do this, but whenever you feel down, stand up and speak to your situation!
  • Declare God’s word over it.
  • Our mindset is a tool in the hand of the enemy; everything we need is already in our hands, BUT our belief system CAN work against us if we let it.
  • Whatevee you’re going through, aim to have a grateful attitude, surrender ALL to God, and give a sacrifice of praise.
  • God’s word in our life brings transformation.
  • The Bible is full of realities, NOT promises. Meaning we already have the things rhat are outlined in the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 5:18


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  • Prayer is an expression of our trust in God; therefore, if we don’t trust Him, it’s needless to pray.
  • God doesn’t always say yes; He can also say no or wait for a reason (e.g to protect us).
  • It’s important to find out the mindset of God when we come before Him. This is where quiet time is important for hearing God.
  • One of our human weaknesses is that sometimes, we treat God like an errand boy, where everything we ask, we expect a yes.

Proverbs 3:5-6

  • With the promises of God, there are also principles, which is why we must study His word to understand what they are.
  • Praying is to our advantage, not a favour to God.
  • Remember, God will never let us go through what we can’t handle.
  • Obedience is an expression of trust in God.
  • Trust Him in everything because He has a track record of being good, and knows the beginning as well as the end.


  • Prayer is a sign of gratitude; it should be the first thing you do when you wake up everyday

Proverbs 16:2-3

  • Sometimes, you can feel like you always pray, but nothing is happening; don’t give up.
  • Before you were conceived, God already had a plan for your life.
  • Many of us “like” God, but don’t spend time with Him.
  • God is there for you; bring your problems, projects and concerns.
  • Pray for those in your life: spouse, children, in-laws, etc.
  • Prayer should be the first thing you do in the morning; before you pick up your precious phone 😉
  • Many of us would turn our house upside-down to look for our phone; imagine giving God the same importance.

Isaiah 42:8

  • Remember, the good things in our lives are gifts from God, not merits of our strength. So don’t underestimate time with Him.
  • When you trust in Him, you can achieve anything.

Malachi 1:6


The Posture of Our Hearts when We Pray

Case Study: The Hannah prayer

  • Hannah’s prayer came from her heart, not her lips. From a place of truth, purity.
  • Why are we here?
    What is in our hearts that we desire so much that we forget to “guard them”.
  • When facing a situation, what is the posture of your heart towards people and situations?
  • Sometimes, we let our hearts get contaminated with bitterness, jealousy, malice, etc.

“From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh”

  • Sometimes, we gossip about others in the name of “prayer topic”.
  • We need to return to the place of holiness, purity, truth. Where the gospel is preached undiluted.
  • We can quote scriptures, but have black hearts.
  • Ask God: create in me a clean heart….


  • We’re halfway through the year, but may have many prayer requests that are still unanswered.
  • Will you take matters into your hands, or keep trusting God?

Those that trust in the Lord are unshakeable.

  • Give God no rest until He establishes you; keep persisting.

Pslams 37:4-6

  • Are you (and how are you) committing yourself to God?
    1)You have to make God your priority:
    Proverbs 8:17

2)DON’T compromise
1Kings 18:21

  • May He bless you in broad daylight.

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